Edmonton Schedule

Summer of ’86    Registration    Summer of ’86 Video & “Packingtown”   Latest Booklet


Edmonton Summer of 86 Poster1:00 p.m. Opening and lunch served

1:15 p.m. Keynote speech—Lucien Royer, formerly Director, International Department, Canadian Labour Congress; Health , Safety and Environment Officer for International Trade Union Federation and Trade Union Advisory Committee for the OECD; Coordinator, Pro-Canada Network; Staff Member of Alberta Federation of Labour.

1:35 p.m. Address by Andrea Samoil, Simon Fraser University PhD student whose MA was on the Gainers strike

1:50 p.m. Break

2:00 p.m. Packingtown performance

3:00 p.m. Video: The Summer of ’86

3:30 p.m. Break

3:40 p.m. First breakout group discussions: Lessons for Today’s Activists from the Summer of ‘86

4: 40 p.m. Plenary: brief reports from the groups

5:00 p.m. Break

5:10 p.m. Second breakout group discussions: The Path Forward: How Can Working People Respond to Both Opportunities and Threats in Today’s Alberta?

6:00 p.m. Plenary; reports from the groups

7:00 p.m. Supper served; cash bar; social evening begins