
1971: New Conservative Leader Peter Lougheed promises full, free collective bargaining rights to provincial government employees, prior to being elected in general election that sweeps out the Social Credit
– Federal government of Pierre Trudeau extends Unemployment Insurance protection to cover 97% of unemployed workforce; appeal procedures introduced

1973: Major strike occurs at Edmonton-based Wardair

1974: National headquarters of the Oil, Chemical and Atomic Workers Union is established in Edmonton.

1975: Alberta government signs deal with Syncrude, a consortium of Crown and private oil companies, to build massive tar sands plant in North-East Alberta
– Alberta legislation creates a North-East Alberta Commissioner with sweeping powers to govern region during construction and start-up of Syncrude plant
– Federal Government of Pierre Trudeau invokes comprehensive Wage & Price Controls policy

1976: Alberta passes Canada’s first comprehensive Occupational Health and Safety Act after years of union campaigning for such legislation.
– Syncrude plant begins construction, with massive grants and concessions from Canadian and Alberta governments
– Alberta workers join in Canada-wide demonstrations against the Federal Wage Controls and the Anti-Inflation Board
– Workers at Lethbridge radio station CJOC begin extended strike

1977: Members of Canadian Union of Public Employees begin strike at Parkland Nursing Home in Edmonton
– Friends of Medicare formed with participation of Alberta’s trade unions

1978: CUPE Local 37, Calgary outside workers, hold successful strike
– Federal Government passes comprehensive Human Rights Act, including prohibited grounds for discrimination in employment; followed by Alberta legislation

1979: Nurses launch Province-wide strike; newly-elected President Margaret Ethier leads ‘Nurses are Worth It’ campaign
– Wage controls for federal employees are extended beyond the conclusion of the Anti-Inflation legislation