ALHI 2025 Calendar

The Alberta Labour History Institute Calendar, 2025 – Municipal Workers in Alberta

The 2025 ALHI calendar has the theme “Municipal Workers in Alberta.” The calendar traces the history of unionization of municipal workers, their strikes, their campaigns against privatization, and their role in promoting an end to discrimination against women and minorities. Among other unions highlighted are CUPE, ATU, CSU, UFCW, and IBEW.

The ALHI Calendar is more than just a calendar. It is a readable and condensed, but highly accurate history of trade unionism and workers’ struggles in Alberta. It is also a top source of income for our 25-year-old Institute. Revenue from the annual sale of the calendar allows us to continue documenting, preserving and disseminating the stories that tell how working people have built unions to lead the fight for political, social, and economic democracy to the benefit of all working people in Alberta.

For this reason, we hope that you and your organization continue to purchase and distribute these calendars to your members. They have proven to be an invaluable source of information about working people and their history, and the 2025 edition is a particularly timely addition to this tradition.

We have attached an order form for your convenience and look forward to your response.